Previous Mammoth Jacks
Over the years, many mature jacks have come and gone on this farm as part of our jackstock. This page only showcases a select few of the quality jacks from our past.
We raised this jack here on our farm. His sire is Zeb which is pictured below and is of the Siemon's Glen bloodline. His dam is our Jennie Mae from the Townley's Monroe bloodline. He was sold in 2012 to Don Townley at Buchanan, TN. He stood at 14-2 hands.
Huff’s Zeb of Siemons Glen
Zeb was a very important jack to Green Valley Farm while he lived, and his blood still exists in our jackstock herd today. He stood 58.5 inches tall. We traded with Bill Halsey from Lincoln, Missouri, for Zeb when he was just a colt. He was a grandson of Siemon's Glen and son of Shooter’s Gunsmoke. Zeb lived his life breeding mares and jennets here for about two and a half decades and produced a large number of good quality colts out of our stock and the public's.

Siemon's Glen

Photo courtesy of an ad by the late Mr. Siemon in an old Brayer magazine.
Siemon's Glen was owned by Jack Siemon of Kenton, Ohio and won 1st prize at the American Donkey and Mule Show six times in a row.
Shooter’s Gunsmoke
Photo courtesy of an ad by the late Bill Halsey in an old Brayer magazine.
Shooter’s Gunsmoke stood 59” tall and was a son of Siemon’s Glen.

SOLD. Taylor was a 14-1 hand jack that we acquired from B.T. Hine at Greenhill, AL. He has an exceptionally long, keen ear and a mixed mane and tail. He even has a very smooth natural gait to his movement as he travels.
We purchased this jack from a guy out of South Carolina while he was at a donkey and mule show at Hartselle, AL. He was a smooth jack that possessed a snow white mane and tail. He produced several fine colts in his day and stood at 14-1 hands.

Monterey was purchased as a colt from Clarence Padgett of Monterey, TN. We kept him for several years and ended up selling him in Oklahoma. He had a white mane and tail and was light in color. He stood 14 hands tall.
Huff’s Spur of Rebel

Spur was raised by Randy England in Charlotte, TN. He was born in October 2008 and is out of Rebel and Jewel that was owned by Randy. Rebel was 15-1 hands and Jewel was 14-1 hands tall when Randy owned them. Spur was purchased as a colt and brought to our farm where he has remained as one of our most important stud jacks since the loss of our Zeb (Siemon's Glen bloodline). Spur stands 15-3 hands tall and has a good long, keen ear. His colts have always displayed the same qualities that he possesses.
Huff’s Jim, III
Jim, III. is a jack that we raised here on our farm. He stands 15 hands tall and is a large-boned jack. His sire was a thick-made, light blonde jack that stood at least 15 hands and, unfortunately, passed while he was still young. The sire was a grandson to Buckshocker Red (pictured right) that Bill Halsey in Missouri owned and sold to the late Dr. Steve Aaron of Louisville, Kentucky. The dam was a sorrel jennet that stood at 15 hands and was of the Kenny Nelson bloodline. She has been sold for several years now.

Buckshocker Red

Photos courtesy of old ads by the late Bill Halsey and Dr. Aaron in the Brayer magazine.
Buckshocker Red was purchased by Dr. Steve Aaron of Louisville, KY from Bill Halsey of Lincoln, MO. He stood 15 hands tall and was light in color.